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About us



We are

We are a group of very ordinary people, different age, from different countries, with different cultures and life conditions. What unites us, is a King’s love. It is this King’s love for each one of us, which we have encountered, experienced and embraced as a true, genuine and real love – to the point it even exceeds a mother’s love for her newborn child. As a result of our encounter with this King and his love, we have also fallen in love with this King and decided to become his people. Compelled by his love, we have submitted to his kingship, and we continue to enjoy this Kinglove every day. True love cannot be contained. True love intrinsically wants to spread. We are united in this joyful journey of telling about, showing and sharing our King’s love to as many people as possible, because this King and His love is for every human being to enjoy. That’s who we are, and that’s what KingLove.Global is about. 

We believe 

We believe, to put it simple, in the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles, as they have been given to us through the Scriptures of the Bible. We believe that there is only one God, who is the Creator of everything. He is also the true Father of all people, but we believe in the Bible’s testimony that a historic disaster of disobedience, inherited from our forefathers, separated us from the position as God’s beloved children. As His response to that tragedy, God sent His own Son to reconcile us with himself. Because of that, and through openhearted faith and trust in that, our relationship with the loving and holy Father in Heaven has been restored. We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross turned the page of this world’s history. We believe that Jesus rose physically from the dead on the third day after he was crucified and buried. We believe the eyewitnesses’ words that he gave them numerous proofs that he was alive. We believe that he went to Heaven, and that he poured out God’s spirit on all those who by faith in him, have become children of God. We believe and we eagerly await that Jesus will ultimately return to be crowned as King of the nations of this world, and his reign will be without an end.

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