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Raised from the dead by an unknown God

​Dilak grew up in a Hindu home. The village he lives in is full of high caste people, and there are no churches there. He has an unusual story that we will share with you, just like he told it himself when we met him in Nepal.
"I was born in a Hindu family, and was very committed to the Hindu faith. Twenty years ago, while I was going to school, I got sick. It was a strange illness in one of my legs, and it lasted for six months. We prayed and sacrificed to all of the known Hindu gods, but there was no help from that. It was so expensive for us that we had to sell parts of the land that we owned to pay the sacrifices. Right before the Hindu main festival I eventually died at around 6:00PM, in my own home with my family sitting around me. Due to tradition the whole extended family came to our home. My nephew, who is a doctor, checked my body and confirmed to my family that I was dead.
For Hindus it is very usual to have the funeral right after a person is declared dead; sometimes the body will be cremated after just one hour. However, because of the festival my family couldn't get this done before the next day."
Dilak tells his story very accurately. He has asked the people who were around him and experienced the whole thing to get all the details. Appointments were made to bring his dead body and the special ceremonial white clothes to the place where the dead are burned on the next day. His nephew, Doctor Dhaniram, wanted to see his dead uncle one more time before cremation, so he dropped by their home at 6:00AM the next morning, before going to work. While he was looking at his uncle, he had a weird feeling that something was happening. He somehow understood that the spirit had returned to the dead body. Both the doctor and Dilaks family confirmed that his body was ice cold at that time, and that his teeth's had gone black. They took cloths and dipped them in hot water and placed around the body to heat it up again. Little by little life came back to the body.



The family was in shock and full of joy from what had happened. Dilak himself could not remember coming back to life until nine or ten in the morning, but he remembers well what he was experiencing while he was out of the body.
"When my spirit left the body at six in the afternoon, I had the feeling of climbing a mountain, but it was not a normal mountain like here on the earth. I remember that I had the same school uniform that I was wearing before I died, and I was walking up along a very steep and curvy road. I saw a lot of cripples along this road; many people without legs and other limbs, but they did not see me. No one noticed that I was walking by. I walked on and at last I got to the top of the mountain. There I saw a huge, endless sea, incomparable to anything I have ever seen.   Walking on the sea I saw something that looked like a white horse, that was playing on the water. This creature saw me and came closer, so that I could see it clearly. It was a horse. I heard a voice that said: "get on the horse and ride it". I was terrified by the vision, but still i climbed on top of the horse. The horse was running over the sea with great speed, like it was having fun. Suddenly the sea changed into a river, and this river led us directly towards our house. 15 minutes from our house the horse stopped. I heard the same voice telling me to get off the horse. I climbed down from it and placed my right leg on the ground. At that same moment something white, almost like milk poured out of my feet, and it lasted for ten minutes while I was walking towards our house. Five minutes before I was home, the stream from my leg stopped. That is the last thing I remember before waking up the next day."


This special event happened while the whole family was Hindu. However, the leg was still not well. Right after he became conscious, he realized that it was swollen. Some weeks later he was taken to the hospital. After major surgery he finally got well. Experiencing life after death made Dilak very sure that there was spiritual life after this. He was also very sure that there was only one true God, who was not one of the Hindu gods he knew at the time. So Dilak began seeking for this true God.

He started studying the different religions. First he searched the Hindu scriptures for several years, but he could not find the God that he was searching for, nor could he get peace in his heart. Then he started to study the Qur’an, and he read many versions. In one of those versions he found a sentence that said ''before Messiah comes, nothing will be complete". However, the Qur’an didn’t satisfy him, but those words it mentioned were stuck in his mind. Dilak now went to Qatar to work as a migrant worker, as many Nepali people have to. There he met a Christian who shared the gospel with him. Dilak also shared his religious thoughts with this man, and the two of them often talked. In the end the Christian man just said to Dilak that Jesus is the Messiah that you are looking for. Dilak then got hold of a Bible and he says:

"When I read this book I understood that all what I had read about the Messiah and about salvation in the other religious scriptures, was about Jesus Christ. I accepted Him as my Lord, and I was baptized there in Qatar on November 11th, 2011. After searching for all these years, I finally found what I was looking for.»

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